Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If I were a millinaire:JOHN

If I were a millinaire, what would your lifeyle be like?
I sometimes think everyone may try to in order to be a millinaire, and I do too.
First of all, I want this question to be not assumption but the real to everybody.
Next, If so, I have secretaries to care for health of my family and me, to take charge of
our estate, asset, business, and schedules,
I would have the appointed secretary to administer my wealth make a budget
for plans this year to be active in the beginning.
Then, I spend time of a quarter of the year on acvity of missionary of work in Asia ,
After that, America and Europe, two-fourth on studying in areas of medicine, motorcar,
air traffic, vessel, apace travel, and outer space.
Finally, in Africa, one-fourth, on sharing and servicing the poor and people to need something
with our wealth.
So, I hope ,even though the conditions , environment,countries, and the race, that my lifesyle wouod contribute to all areas for human peace.


  1. I'm interesting go to outer space,an exciting!

  2. I'm interesting to to outer space too.

  3. Do you want go to missionary around the world?

    I think you are kindhearted and good man. You like to do anything for sociality.

  4. To Aoh
    Yes, I do. Thank you for your comment.
