Thursday, January 28, 2010

If I were the Prime Minister, What would you do to change your country?

If I were the Prime Minister, My Goals for the country are consisted of the children have enough education, Developing an economic especially agriculture goods, Protecting the Land and Preventing for corruption. An important goals is developing an education public system which the free minimum education is Grade 12. I thought it had been assigned by this governer, but I didn't see about the actual plan to support an achivement of this goals. I will set up a team to registered total of Primary and Secondary schools, the number of childrens and follow up that all of my childrens in country have go to school and graduated from Grade 12 without any expenses. If the school is too far for the children, we will hire more teachers or volunteers for teaching the childrens. First step of the action plan is sharing knowledges to parents about How educations are important to their kids, their life will be better if their kids educated at least Grade 12. I will assign the English language is the major of kindergarten level same as Thai Language. The next goals are Developing an economic especially agriculture goods, Protecting the Land and Preventing for corruption. I will seperate these goals to be long term and short term goals. Set up the team for each goals for following up a status of each goal. I will launched KPI system for measuring the result of the goals in every government organisation and have an enough staff and dependent internal audit team to check a working process in each organisation. I know that the Prime Minister position is the great position with a huge responsibilites. I thought that the person which is suitable to the position need to be smart person and working from heart. His mental should be the same as our King Bhumibol Adulyadej as we called "The Father".

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